Category: June 2017
Mindfulness – It’s not just about meditation
Mindfulness has been a popular topic in the Western world in the last few years, however it’s been around for hundreds of years in the East, as a meditation practice. Thich Naht Hanh, a Buddhist monk says that mindfulness is… Continue reading
Expressing Anger – How children become angry
When we suffer trauma in our childhood – and this could be anything from a significant loss of a parent through divorce or bereavement, abuse (emotional, physical or sexual) or bullying, it leaves us with very little self-esteem. What happens… Continue reading
How witnessing domestic violence as children affects our mental health
I in 5 children have been exposed to domestic abuse, according to the NSPCC. Although high, this statistic doesn’t really encompass that magnitude of feelings that come with witnessing your dad dragging your mum up the stairs by her hair,… Continue reading
How can counselling / psychotherapy help me?
Counselling is classed as a ‘talking’ therapy. It works on the premise that if we create a safe, non-judgemental environment, people will feel able to talk about their inner feelings, fears and traumas more openly. For many of us friends… Continue reading
“I got those post-election blues” – The depression after the Queen’s Speech and how Theresa May missed an opportunity to address mental health
So, farewell then, Tory manifesto; a star never shone so brightly for such a short period of time before imploding into a parody of itself and crashing dismally to earth, leaving its creators floundering like Boris Johnson’s hairdresser being asked… Continue reading
Understanding Anxiety – Taking Control of your Mental Health
Anxiety is considered one of the most common mental health problems in the western world; in 2013 there were 8.2 million cases recorded in the UK alone. So what is anxiety? Many people describe anxiety as a sense of worry,… Continue reading
Emotionally Absent Parents – Can mental health conditions such as depression affect your parenting skills?
A poem by J.C about her experience as a child. My first steps I stood there teetering, so proud, ecstatic as a baby bird learning it could fly. When I looked back, my smile about to break my face, I… Continue reading
Relationship Counselling – What effect mental health has on relationships
Human beings are naturally very sociable. We enjoy the company of others and crave positive interactions and meaningful friendships. Our romantic relationships are a very significant part of our lives; they can bring us great happiness, but they can also… Continue reading
Different Psychotherapy models including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which can help manage conditions like depression.
What is psychotherapy? Psychotherapy is a talking therapy based on the trusting, non-judgmental relationship nurtured between a therapist and the client. Traditionally psychotherapy has been offered on a face-to-face basis, where the client will need to physically go and see… Continue reading