Category: July 2017
The Curious Case of Madalyn Parker – A view of workplace mental health
You have probably heard of Madalyn Parker by now. If you have not, she is the woman that wrote an email about taking a day off work to help her mental health. That email and her CEO’s response has since… Continue reading
My Battle with Depression
In today’s world mental health is not discussed as much as it should be. You would think there would be more awareness about mental health with all the access we have to information through the internet and social media etc.… Continue reading
My Disenfranchised Grief – Talking about Bereavement and Loss
Disenfranchised grief is a loss that cannot be socially sanctioned, openly acknowledged or publicly mourned. Everyone has a right to grieve, the right to mourn a relationship, the right to say goodbye to a loved one. Sometimes that right can… Continue reading
Understanding Eating Disorders – Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating
Food is an essential part of our lives, it provides nourishment, comfort and energy. However, many of us have unhealthy relationships with food, some will be diagnosed with an eating disorder, others will suspect that they have one and still… Continue reading
Generalised Anxiety Disorder – Is it ruining your life?
For me, anxiety feels as if everyone in the world is waiting for me to trip up, so that they can laugh at me. It makes me feel nervous and unsure whether the next step I take is the best… Continue reading
The Cycle of Abuse in Domestic Violence – how it can affect your mental health
Anyone who’s been in an abusive relationship will know that there is a pattern of cycles to the abuse. The perpetrator, be they your parents, partner or even your child, will not constantly keep the abuse at a high level.… Continue reading
A Look into Bullying and Cyberbullying – the effect this can have on children
Being bullied at school can be a horrific experience for a child to go through; being attacked for who they are can leave devastating effects on a child’s mental health. The rejection, fear and self-hate that comes with it can… Continue reading
Power and Control in Relationships – Is it abuse?
Power and control has been used to make people feel better about themselves at the expense of their partner’s physical and mental health since the dynamics of relationships were first discovered. We would like to say that these particular people… Continue reading
Have you suffered a trauma? Find out what PTSD symptoms to look out for.
At the moment we seem to be flooded with trauma stories; recent events such as the attack in Manchester, the fire and the several attacks in London are all extremely traumatic events that can cause severe and lasting effects on… Continue reading