Category: August 2017
Emotional Abuse in Children
For anyone suffering emotional abuse, it’s a terrifying and debilitating time in their lives. Feeling powerless and helpless to prevent it can compound feelings of self-loathing and failure, as we see ourselves stand idly by, allowing the person we care… Continue reading
Body Dysmorphic Disorder – How anxiety about your body image can create depression
What is body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)? All of us have been guilty of saying that we don’t like the way we look, that there are certain aspects of us we wish we could change, that we would love to lose… Continue reading
Living with Bulimia – It was not ‘fine’
I’m fine. It’s fine. Everything is going to be fine. That is all I have ever been told; don’t worry everything is fine. Everything is going to be just fine. Whenever I was disappointed or upset, all anyone ever said… Continue reading
Emotional Abuse – Domestic Violence is not just physical
Even now, looking back I can still say that the first 8 months of our relationship were the best of our 10 years together; it was within that first year, that I fell in love with him. I was still… Continue reading
Physical Symptoms of Grief
When we lose someone we love, we almost expect the emotional symptoms the shock, the numbness, the anger, the yearning to name a few. But what we don’t expect, is how hard the grief can hit us physically. Our body’s… Continue reading
Easy self-care tips when you’re suffering from depression and anxiety
Anxiety and Depression, although two different mental health problems can occur at the same time. In fact, research done by Mind (Mental health charity) last year states that 8% of us that have mental health problems suffer from a mixture… Continue reading
Agoraphobia – The start of my anxiety disorder
I was 30 when I was diagnosed with agoraphobia. By that time, I had spent 5 years living with it. Reading this, you might be thinking that it may have been a mild case of agoraphobia, believe me when I… Continue reading
Life after postpartum depression
I suffered from postnatal depression after my daughter was born and this is not something I felt comfortable talking about. I felt ashamed and guilty to admit it. I thought it made me a bad mother. Recently however, as more… Continue reading
My daily battle with depression
Hi my name is Jane*, I live in a house share, a hundred or so miles away from my family. It can get really hard sometimes, especially when you work full time, have all your daily chores to do and… Continue reading