Category: April 2017
Week in Review 24.04.17-30.04.17
This week we came across the story of Mandy Stevens, the NHS director of mental health. After working for 30 years in the healthcare industry and dealing with the issue of mental health on a daily basis, Mandy suffered a… Continue reading
Week in Review 17.04.17-23.04.17
This week the light has been shone on mental health by Prince Harry, and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. They have been campaigning to raise awareness and start conversations about mental health, through the charity Heads Together. Supported by… Continue reading
BBC Mind over Marathon – Part One
Mind over marathon is an inspired two part film hosted by Nick Knowles. It brings together 10 individuals struggling with mental health into a running programme- the end goal is to participate in the 2017 London Marathon. As we listen… Continue reading
Shine – Short Film and Review
Shine is a moving short film that looks at loss, and how people deal with grief. It centres on a teenager who has lost her dad, and feels lost without him. Through her memories we see that he was her… Continue reading